We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible.
How we will support children with SEND when they are moving on to another class or leaving this school:
For students in year 6 moving into Year 7, Heads of House and/or the SENCO will visit primary feeder schools. They meet with Year 6 teachers or leaders to gain as much information as possible about these students, including SEN information. For students with SEND, the SENCO receives all relevant Year 6 information, including SEN files and SEN Support plans. Parents/carers of students with SEND are also invited into school in the summer term prior to starting in order to build relationships and reduce potential anxiety around support.
All Year 6 students who will be attending St Bede’s Catholic School are invited to attend transition days in the summer term. Some students with SEND needs are invited for extra sessions to introduce them to the school. For students with a significant picture of needs or an EHC plan, the SENCO will attend Year 6 review meetings to understand and plan for their transition. Pupils moving between key stages within school will be given support and guidance with their subject choices.
SEND Students moving from Year 11 to other establishments and employment will be referred to One Point progression Service in order appropriate pathways are taken and their needs will be met to support the transition into adulthood and independent living. We also liaise with their next provider to ensure that they understand a student’s support needs by providing a transition plan created in conjunction with students, families and the one point service.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.