We are excited to welcome a new cohort of children into our St. Bede’s family in September 2025. As a community,we pride ourselves on exceptional pastoral support for every young person in our care, as well as aidingthem to achieve fantastic outcomes.
We know that transition from primary school represents a significant change in a young person’s life and sowe have developed a thorough and staged process that takes place over months prior to September so
everyone can get off to a flying start in Year 7.
Below, we attach details of a number of events that are taking place over the next number of months to aid this transition – we strongly encourage our incoming Year 7 pupils and their families to take part. We will communicate more detail about the events nearer the time.
- Thursday 8 May 2025 – 5:30pm – Parent Information Evening: An opportunity for parents/carers to learn more about the offer at St. Bede’s (including our ethos, our curriculum, our pastoral system as well as SEND). Parents/carers will be asked to complete a Pupil Data Collection form providing important information including medical history and specific permissions.
- Thursday 26 and Friday 27 June 2025 – Transition Days: Next year’s Year 7 shall spend two school days at St. Bede’s learning more about our school and partaking in a wide range of activities, including trying some subjects for the first time. Parents/carers are kindly asked to arrange drop off and collection and to provide pupils with a packed lunch.
- Tuesday 1 July 2025 – 5:30pm – Welcome Evening: Parents/carers and pupils shall meet their Heads of House and tutor groups for the first time. Our expectations, systems and routines will be discussed.