As you will be aware, our school has had to close unexpectedly. The situation is evolving rapidly, and we are working at speed to provide alternative solutions.
What is the building material and why is it an issue?
The building material is RAAC (Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete). RAAC is a lightweight form of concrete. Historic RAAC panel failures have included collapses of whole roof structures, occurring suddenly with very little warning.
Is this just happening to St. Bede & Byron?
Parents may have also seen reports in the media that nationally, public buildings such as schools and hospitals that contain RAAC, are being reviewed at present. More than 150 schools in England have been RAAC.
Why has temporary accommodation such as portacabins not been made available?
Whilst this is a temporary solution in some instances, it takes time to source and transport enough mobile units for a whole school community. This temporary accommodation then needs access to utilities such as power, water and sewerage which will take several weeks to organise.
When will my child be able to return to face-to-face learning?
From Monday 11th September, the following year groups will be in school on the following days:
Day | Year Group Attending | Year group remote learning |
Monday | 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 | 9 & 10 |
Tuesday | 7, 9, 11, 12, 13 | 8 & 10 |
Wednesday | 7, 10, 11, 12, 13 | 8 & 9 |
Thursday | 7, 8, 11, 12, 13 | 9 & 10 |
Friday | 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 | 7 & 8 |
Year group will be in school on a rotation with virtual provision on the days they are not in school. To access remote learning, your child needs to visit the school website where they will find resources for all lessons. Pupils will receive passwords and guidance on the use of Microsoft Teams in preparation for live lessons from Monday 18th September. Due to limited access to classrooms, Year 12 and Year 13 lessons will be delivered by St Bede’s & Byron staff at Our Lady of the Rosary Primary School adjacent to our school site. Students are permitted to study from home when they don’t have timetabled lessons.
We have tried to take a fair approach to this rota prioritising Year 7 and GCSE/A-Level Year pupils while ensuring all pupils get some face-to-face teaching.
We are working with our partners to make an action plan so that all pupils can return to face-to-face learning as soon as possible.
What provision will there be if my child has an Educational Health and Care Plan and there is a concern I need to discuss?
Please email our school office and mark your email for the attention of our SENDCo. Your queries will then be forwarded and we will be in touch as soon as possible.
What will my child do for lunch?
Pupils will be able to access lunches as usual from our Chadwick’s Kitchen menu. Payments are via ParentPay.
My child is entitled to free school meals. Will these be provided whilst the school is temporarily closed?
Children who are entitled to free school meals will continue to receive a free meal. We are exploring the possibility of providing vouchers in the short-term.