The school requires high standards of personal appearance and all students should wear school uniform to and from school, during the school day or when participating in school-organised events.
Pupils must be dressed properly in full uniform.
Available from our suggested supplier Little Gems:
- Black blazer with school badge.
- School tie (green with gold diagonal stripes).
- V neck black knitted jumper.
- White, standard school shirt, buttoned to neck, tucked in at all times.
- Plain black standard school trousers, worn to the top of the shoe (tight fitting / jean style not permitted) or black pleated skirt (these are available in a two pack from Asda and other retailers at an affordable price) worn to the knee.
- Plain black tights or white/black socks that are ankle length or below-knee length.
- Plain black formal shoes.
- Sensible waterproof coat that must be removed when entering the building (within one minute is a reasonable request)
Extreme hairstyles (tramlines, patterns, steps, unnatural colours) are not acceptable. The shortest hair grade accepted ‘all over’ is a number 2. If you are not sure if a hairstyle your child wants is considered extreme, please check with their Head of House first.
Make-up (including false tan, fake/tinted eye lashes, false/enhanced/tinted eyebrows, false nails) and jewellery (including clear plastic piercing retainers) must not be worn – jewellery will be confiscated and will require collection by a parent / carer. Jewellery and make-up are expensive items and promoting equality is a key intention of our uniform policy. Light concealer may be worn but nothing else.
Wrist-watches may be worn.
Hats must not be worn inside school.