Click here to download our SEND Information Report 2024-25
What is the Local Authority Local Offer?
From September 2014 Local Authorities (LA) and schools are required to publish and keep under review information about services they expect to be available for children and young people with special educational needs (SEND) aged 0-25. This is called the ‘Local Offer’.
The intention of the Local Offer is to improve choice for families and will also be an important resource for parents in understanding the range of services and provision in the local area.
The current link to the LA Local Offer website can be found on our website or speak to the SENCO for more information.
General information, school ethos & approach
At St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College, we strive for excellence and aim to help all of our students achieve their full potential. The school is a happy, vibrant community where students work hard in their academic studies and are involved in a wide range of sporting, creative, practical and social activities. At St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College we recognise that all pupils are entitled to a quality of provision that will enable them to achieve their potential. We believe in positive intervention, removing barriers to learning, raising expectations and levels of achievement and working in partnership with other agencies in order to provide a positive educational experience for all our pupils including those with a special educational need or disability.
Our school recognises there are particular groups of pupils whose circumstances require additional consideration by those who work with them to support their SEND. Throughout this document the term SEND will be used for a child or young person who has a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made that is additional to or different from that made generally for other children or young people of the same age. (Code of Practice 2015, p16)
At St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College we have appointed Designated Teachers for Looked after Children who work closely with the SENCO to ensure all teachers in school understand the implications for those children who are looked after and have SEND.
The community is committed to the academic and personal development of all pupils regardless of ability. We recognise the diverse and individual needs of all of our pupils and take into account the additional support required by those children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). We ensure that all pupils, regardless of their specific needs make the best possible progress.
Within SEND there are four broad areas of SEND, these are:
- Communication and Interaction
This area of need includes children with Autism Spectrum Condition and those with Speech, Language and Communication Needs
- Cognition and Learning
This includes children with Specific Learning Difficulties, Moderate Learning Difficulties, Severe Learning Difficulties and Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
- Social, Emotional and Mental Health Difficulties
This includes any pupils who have an emotional, social or mental health need that is impacting on their ability to learn
- Sensory and/or Physical Difficulties
This area includes children with hearing impairment, visual impairment, multi-sensory impairment and physical difficulties.
SEND provision within St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College sits alongside other policies and information documents see below for further information on:
- School Admissions
- Our Curriculum
- Finance
- SEND Provision – SEND policy
- Accessibility plan
- Safeguarding
- Agencies & Partnerships
- SEND Compliments & Complaints
- Supporting students with medical conditions
- Contact SENCO –
School Admissions
We are committed to meeting the needs of all children including those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities. We liaise with parents and previous education providers prior to the pupil starting St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College, in order to discuss the identified needs, allowing for the planning and implementation of appropriate intervention. Advice from the LA or other agencies may be requested to ensure any the school can meet any needs appropriately.
Full details of the admission arrangements can be found in the Primary and Secondary Admissions brochure produced by Durham County Council. Please consult the admission policy for St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College for further details.
Applying for a school place if your child has an Education, Health and Care Plan
Children and young people with an Education, Health and Care Plan follow a different admission and transfer process for a new school. Please complete Durham County Council’s parental preference form, as part of the admission process to a new school. You continue to have a right to request a particular school and this will be considered alongside the information that we have about your child’s special educational needs. The information would have been provided as part of the Education, Health and Care assessment or following the review meeting.
Key Policies
All of our school policies can be found on the website including:
SEND Policy
Equality and Diversity Policy
Accessibility Plan
Anti-Bullying Policy
Positive Behaviour and Relationships Policy
Medical Needs Policy
Staffing and any Specialist Qualifications/Expertise
At St Bede’s Catholic School & Byron Sixth Form College we have a talented SEND team.
- Mrs E Robson – SENCO with over 21 years teaching experience. (BA, PGCE) Completion of NASENCO award.
- Miss Brown – Assistant SENCO
- Mrs Oxenham – Learning support assistant.
- Mrs Jones – Learning support assistant.
- Miss Blakelock – Learning support assistant.
The following are the main contacts for Special Educational Needs and Disability at St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College School:
Mrs F Cessford is the Headteacher
Mrs R Bowman is the Director of SEND
Mrs D Dunn is our designated SEN Governor
Mrs E Robson is our designated Special Educational Needs Coordinator. It is the SENCO’s job to:
- Oversee the day-to-day operation of the school’s SEND policy
- Liaise with the relevant Designated Teachers where a looked after pupil has SEND
- Advise teachers on using a graduated approach to providing SEND support
- Advise on the deployment of the school’s delegated budget and other resources to meet the pupil’s needs effectively
- Liaise with parents/carers of pupils with SEN
- Liaise with and be a key point of contact for external agencies
- Ensure that the school keeps the records of all SEND pupils up to date
- Work with the head teacher and school governors to ensure that the school meets its responsibilities with regard to reasonable adjustments and access arrangements.
Statement of Intent for Promoting Equality
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College we are committed to equality. We aim for every pupil to fulfil their potential no matter what their needs. Our School is committed to anti-discriminatory practice to promote equality of opportunity and valuing diversity for all children and families. We aim to:
- Provide a secure and accessible environment in which all our children can flourish and in which all contributions are considered and valued.
- Include and value the contribution of all families to our understanding of equality and diversity.
- Provide positive non-stereotyping information about gender roles, diverse ethnic and cultural groups and disabled people.
- Improve our knowledge and understanding of issues of anti-discriminatory practice, promoting equality and valuing diversity.
- Make inclusion a thread that runs through all of the activities of the school
St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College is proud to be inclusive and will endeavour to support every child regardless of their level of need. All pupils follow the National Curriculum at a level and a pace that is appropriate to their abilities. At times and when it is felt appropriate, modifications to the curriculum may be implemented.
To successfully match pupil ability to the curriculum there are some actions we may take to achieve this:
- Ensure that all pupils have access to the school curriculum and all school activities.
- Help all pupils achieve to the best of their abilities, despite any difficulty or disability they may have.
- Ensure that teaching staff are aware of and sensitive to the needs of all pupils, teaching pupils in a way that is more appropriate to their needs.
- Pupils to gain in confidence and improve their self-esteem.
- To work in partnership with parents/ carers, pupils and relevant external agencies in order to provide for children’s special educational needs and disabilities.
- To identify at the earliest opportunity, all children that need special consideration to support their needs (whether these are educational, social, physical or emotional)
- To make suitable provision for children with SEND to fully develop their abilities, interests and aptitudes and gain maximum access to the curriculum.
- Ensure that all children with SEND are fully included in all activities of the school in order to promote the highest levels of achievement.
- To promote self worth and enthusiasm by encouraging independence at all age and ability levels.
- To give every child the entitlement to a sense of achievement.
- To regularly review the policy and practice in order to achieve best practice.
Pastoral, Medical and Social Support
Pupils attending St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College follow a board PHSE curriculum covering topics such as finance, heath, careers and independent living in addition to study skills. Parent views are welcomed by Heads of House and the Senior Leadership Team, during formal meetings and the parents’ forum. To aid pastoral development small intervention groups are initiated often with outside agencies to support pupil wellbeing for pupils with a high level of need. Detailed medical support plans are written in conjunction with families and health care professionals were appropriate. Staff who volunteer to administer medications complete formal accredited training. Administration of medicine procedures follows guidelines from the local authority and Department of Education Supporting pupils at school with medical conditions (DFE) 2104. Social support is key to feeling secure in education and pupils are grouped in a house system with siblings. Form tutors, Heads of House and the Learning Support Team are available for support, with pupils who have significant social needs being refereed for social skill intervention.
Types of SEND at St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College, we have experience of supporting children and young people with a wide range of need including:
Specific learning difficulties
Speech, language and communication needs
Hearing impairment
Physical difficulties
Social Emotional and mental heath
The school provides data on the levels and types of need to the Local Authority. This is collected through the school census.
Consultation with Children and Young People with SEND
Teachers/SENCO and Support Staff will work with children and young people to identify the support needed to meet agreed outcomes. The provision is planned and interventions are allocated to individual needs. The children take an active role with setting their targets, discussing them with the class teacher/SENCO.
The children have regular meetings with support staff to discuss their progress and support.
All SEND pupils create a pupil passport in conjunction with learning support assistants where views are views are collected from the young person.
Pupil and parent voice are collected as part of the review invite where they are requested to complete a questionnaire prior to attending the meeting. Pupils are also encouraged to stand for school council representatives.
Consultation with parents and carers of children and young people with SEND
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College we are committed to working with parents and carers to identify their child’s needs and support in order to meet agreed outcomes. Parents and carers will be involved throughout the process.
There is a range of ways this can be done, for example:
- Ongoing informal and formal discussions with a class teacher and/or SENCO;
- An ‘open-door’ policy, where parents and carers are welcome to come into school to discuss any concerns they may have;
- Through termly reviews of a child’s SEN Support Plan or the Annual Review of their Statement of SEN or EHC Plan.
- Parent voice is collected as part of the review invite where they are requested to complete a questionnaire prior to attending the meeting. Provision is planned and interventions allocated on individual needs with pupils actively involved in setting their outcomes.
The budget allocation is agreed between our school and the Local Authority at the beginning of each financial year. This is monitored each term by the Governing Body.
This is used to support children and young people with SEND by:
- Staffing – We have three dedicated learning support assistants who work in and out of the classroom.
- Literacy interventions such as paired reading, Read, Write Inc programme and accelerated reader programmes
- Numeracy interventions such as extra time table classes
- Supported revision sessions
- Social skills groups
- Emotional competency intervention such as Listening Matters
- Working memory strategies
- Fine and gross motor skills intervention
- SEND specific resources
- Referral and support from external specialists
If a child has complex special educational needs, we could also receive additional top up funding from the Local Authority to meet the agreed outcomes.
A Costed Provision Map will be developed in liaison with the child, young person, parent or carer.
Teaching, Learning and the Curriculum
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College we believe that inclusive education means providing all pupils with appropriate education and support alongside their peers. The Curriculum is all planned activities that the school organises in order to promote learning, personal growth and development.
It includes not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but also the range of additional opportunities that the school organises in order to enrich the experiences of our children. Our curriculum also includes the social aspects that are essential for life-long learning. Pupils with additional SEND needs regularly are invited to attend external sporting events in addition to all other extracurricular activities with independence encouraged at all age and ability levels.
How we identify and assess children with special educational needs
Most children and young people will have their special educational needs met in mainstream schools through excellent classroom practice. This is called Quality First Teaching.
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College we follow a graduated support approach which is called “Assess, Plan, Do, Review”. This means that we will:
- Assess a child’s special educational needs
- Plan the provision to meet your child’s aspirations and agreed outcomes
- Do put the provision in place to meet those outcomes
- Review the support and progress
Quality First Teaching (QFT):
- Ensures that the teacher has the highest possible expectations for each child in their class.
- Ensures all teaching is based on what your child already knows, can do and understands in order to help them progress.
- Involves various ways of teaching so that your child is fully involved in learning in class.
- Requires constant assessment and planning from the assessment so progress is made and the needs of each child are met.
Identification of needs is through class observations, teacher, parent and pupil feedback in addition to information from assessment tools and short notes.
As part of this approach, we will produce a SEN Support Plan, where necessary, that describes the provision that we will make to meet a child’s special educational needs and agreed outcomes. Parents and carers will be fully involved in this process and will be invited into school each term to discuss the support plan.
A small percentage of children and young people with significant learning difficulties might need an assessment that could lead to an Education, Health and Care Plan. (Ref CoP P142) Full details can be found on the Local Offer website.
You can find details of how we adapt the curriculum and make it more accessible for pupils with SEND below:
- Quality First Teaching – most needs will be met in the classroom with the subject teacher. At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College we expect teachers to plan and use direct differentiated activities to ensure all pupils can access a challenging curriculum which is tailored to their needs and progress.
- Staff members are trained and use competently, a range of teaching and learning styles to ensure all pupils can access both home and class work.
- Specific group work is integral to directed differentiation and targeted intervention groups. Pupils may be grouped on ability or skill strength. They are academically and socially challenged.
- An innovative and supportive curriculum is often needed at KS4 where specific individual support for children whose learning needs are severe, complex and lifelong is required.
- Vulnerable lower school pupils (predominantly KS3) are offered a mentor, which initially consists of paired reading buddies to build relationships. If there is a specific need for targeted emotional support students are referred to the school counselling service.
- Extra support to assist learning outside the classroom is offered in a broad range of extra-curricular activities such as trampoline club, homework club and the use of IT equipment in the library before, during lunchtimes and after school.
- Social skill sessions are held weekly to build social confidence, emotional understanding and turn taking.
- Specialist professionals from outside agencies support pupils such as Team around the family support workers, Educational psychologists and the Emotional wellbeing team. Other specialists will be called upon if and when necessary.
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College there is a robust monitoring system for all students, mapping progression and tailoring support where necessary. Progress is collected after every 13 week block and reported home. If the pupil has additional needs specific support will be given as appropriate. The effectiveness of the support is closely monitored and altered accordingly.
Examples of Specific support for pupils with SEND:
- Support for literacy: Paired/group reading, Read, Write Inc programme and Accelerated Reader.
- Paired and group reader sessions – The paired/group reader intervention enables students to work alongside experienced practitioners in order to provide an opportunity to practise and perfect their reading skills. Paired reading makes the experience informal and enjoyable. The one to one sessions provide a forum for reading the text carefully out loud in a non-threatening setting, concentrating on specific details to gain confidence and become more effective readers. Partners encourage readers to break down and sound out unfamiliar words. Each student independently chooses a book from their reading level (tested previously) to read alongside their paired reader in a 15 minute session. There are many opportunities to discuss any unfamiliar vocabulary, in addition to providing a platform for comprehension discussion. The process will culminate with a short quiz using the accelerated reader programme to assess understanding and produce a report. Paired readers may be key stage 5 pupils, learning support staff or teachers. This is also used as a building relationships activity, pairing vulnerable pupils with older more socially experienced students.
- Read, Write Inc-involves being taught simple phonics. Accompanying reading books contain carefully graded fiction and non-fiction texts, using words which pupils are able to sound blend, ensuring success in reading. Writing activities build upon the fiction and non-fiction texts from the reading books, so that pupils are able to make the connection between reading, writing and spelling. Pupils complete a baseline assessment at the start of a twelve week intervention programme after which they are reassessed to determine if further intervention is required.
- Accelerated Reader is an intervention where students read books tailored to their level. Once completed pupils take an online quiz, and receive immediate feedback. Students respond to regular feedback and are motivated to make progress with their reading skills. The progress is monitored and a display can be found in the LRC or accelerated reader stars. Accelerated Reader also provides teachers the information they need to monitor students’ reading and make informed decisions to guide their future learning. A set of reports reveals how much a student has been reading, at what level of complexity, and how well they have understood what they have read. Vocabulary growth and literacy skills are also measured, giving teachers insight into how well students have responded to reading schemes and class instruction.
- Support with numeracy
- Maths/Times table intervention – Learning timetables and multiplication is an important foundation for different aspects of mathematics such as division, algebra and fractions. For students who do not have a solid grasp of times tables they may find some mathematical concepts difficult to understand. Basic numeracy is a valuable skill and times tables are an intrinsic aspect of mathematical operations. Weekly guided intervention sessions are provided along with regular homework pieces to practise. Regular reinforcement of times tables, help students make valuable and essential progress, developing understanding and improving general mathematical skills.
- Support for children with significant learning difficulties:
- The needs of pupils will be assessed with input from specific professionals and guidance from SEN planning tools found on the following website:
Pupils with significant learning difficulties have historically and/or currently worked with Speech and Language services, Occupational therapy or CAMHS for example and have additional adult support, under the direction of the teacher, where the pupil is working on modified curriculum tasks whether that be within a small group or 1:1. Therapeutic equipment and aides will be deployed under the guidance of relevant outside agencies.
- Support for children with physical needs:
- The needs of pupils will be assessed with input from specific professionals and guidance from SEN planning tools found on the following webpage:
Pupils with physical needs are presently and/or historically been given opportunities for social interaction between peers and the wider community of the School and College, which need to be tailored and engineered to their needs in order to bolster self-esteem and confidence. LSA are made available to provide targeted support for access for specific tasks/settings, within and outside of school/college. Referrals to occupational therapy are made when expert advice is necessary. Intervention groups provide the opportunity for fine and gross motor skill development.
- Support for children with speech, language and communication needs:
- The needs of pupils will be assessed with input from specific professionals and guidance from SEN planning tools found on the following webpage:
Pupils with speech, language and communication needs are presently and/or historically been given access to a differentiated curriculum, where necessary. Speech and language specialists are called upon to assess and advise in order for teaching and support staff to make the necessary adjustments and recommendations that take into consideration for example speech sound development when delivering phonics intervention.
- Pupils who are identified with communication needs may be invited to attend social skills groups, tailored to their needs. These are evaluated qualitatively through classroom observations and teacher logs.
- Support for children with a hearing, visual or multi-sensory impairment:
- The needs of pupils will be assessed with input from specific professionals and guidance from SEN planning tools found on the following webpage:
Pupils with hearing, visual or multi-sensory impairment historically receive support from teachers and learning support staff where the planning and management of group dynamics underpins inclusion enabling the pupil to have access to other pupils and adults verbal and visual communication. Support may also include for example preview to audio materials and access to other reading material in an accessible form to facilitate further vocabulary development. Adult intervention targeted at specific curriculum areas or specific social times in addition to specialist services is provided when appropriate. Appropriate specialist equipment will be sourced from the relevant outside agencies if feasible. Applications for exam access arrangements will be made as and when required.
- Support for children with social, emotional and mental health difficulties:
- The needs of pupils will be assessed with input from specific professionals and guidance from SEN planning tools found on the following webpage:
Pupils with social, emotional and mental health needs receive support from teachers and learning support staff where the planning and management of group dynamics underpins social inclusion. The SENCO works closely with CAMHS, counsellors and other SEND caseworkers to ensure the curriculum is accessible and strategies specific to the child are incorporated into the support plans. Personalised timetables may be introduced in negotiation with student, parents and staff. Presently and historically pupils have worked with professional agencies from the Team around the School service such as improving progression in addition to the Emotional Wellbeing Team, in order to improve self esteem and resilience. Parents are given support through for example the stronger families programme or parent advisory service. Emotional and social competency intervention groups such as Lego therapy and Listening Matters are delivered to small groups. A supportive pastoral system is in place to encourage and develop confidence, improve self-esteem and promote enthusiasm in all pupils. Additional ‘off-site’ provision may be required to supplement school- based learning in certain circumstances.
- Support for children with English as an Additional Language:
Pupils with English as an addition language needs receive support from teachers and learning support staff. To ensure appropriate and tailored inclusion, the needs are assessed along with the child’s proficiency in the English language and comprise of the following values:
- (A) – New to English
- (B) – Early acquisition
- (C) – Developing competence
- (D) – Competent
- (E) – Fluent
Support and guidance will be sourced from the EAL and Equalities team at Durham County Council, which is commissioned to support schools to fulfill their statutory duties under the Equality Act 2010 in order to eliminate discrimination advance equality of opportunity and foster good relations between people. This will be used to inform teaching in the classroom.
- Support for Looked after Children with SEND:
Support is given to all pupils throughout their time at St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College. The views of children and carers are sourced through regular informal and formal meetings. Vulnerable pupils may be encouraged to buddy with an older pupil or have an adult point of contact. Progress is reviewed using SEN Support Plan/EHCP and/or PEP. External support will be sourced, when necessary from the Virtual School.
External Agencies and Partnerships
The school enjoys good working relationships with a wide range of people who provide services to children with SEND and their families, particularly when a child is demonstrating further cause for concern or their learning need is more complex and persistent. The external specialists may:
- Act in an advisory capacity
- Extend expertise of school staff
- Provide additional assessment
- Support a child directly
- Provide individual, small group and whole class direct intervention and support
- Suggest statutory assessment is advisable
- Consult with all parties involved with the child
Partnerships and links with outside agencies include but are not limited to:
Autism & Social Communication Team
Behaviour Intervention Team (BIT)/Early Intervention Programme
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS)
Cognition and learning SEND inclusion team
County Durham Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS)
Crisis Support Team
Educational Psychology Service
Education Health Needs Team
Emotional Wellbeing and Effective Learning Team
Improving Progression of Young People Team
Independent Parental Special Education Advice – IPSEA
Mental Health Support Team/Piece of Mind
One Point Hub – Peterlee
SEND and Inclusion Service – Education for children out of school or in hospital due to medical or mental health needs
Sensory and Physical Team (SEND Support and Inclusion Teams)
Social, Emotional and Mental Health Services (SEND Support and Inclusion Teams)
Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) Statutory Casework Team
How we evaluate the effectiveness of SEN provision
At St Bede’s Catholic School and Byron Sixth Form College there is a robust monitoring system to continuously ensure the provision has a positive impact on the outcomes for all pupils, including but not exclusive to:
- Book/work scrutiny
- SEND Learning walks
- 5 or 4 lens monitoring (lesson observation and monitoring of planning)
- evaluation of policy and practice
- Pupil and parent voice
- Performance management
Transition Arrangements
We recognise that transitions can be difficult for a child with SEND and take steps to ensure that any transition is as smooth as possible. How we will support children with SEND when they are moving on to another class or leaving this school:
- For students in year 6 moving into Year 7, Heads of House and/or the SENCO will visit primary feeder schools. They meet with Year 6 teachers or leaders to gain as much information as possible about these students, including SEND information. For students with SEND, the SENCO receives all relevant Year 6 information, including SEND files and SEND Support plans. Parents/carers of students with SEND are also invited into school in the summer term prior to starting in order to build relationships and reduce potential anxiety around support.
- All Year 6 students who will be attending St Bede’s Catholic School are invited to attend transition days in the summer term. Some students with SEND needs are invited for extra sessions to introduce them to the school. For students with a significant picture of needs or an EHC plan, the SENCO will attend Year 6 review meetings to understand and plan for their transition. Pupils moving between key stages within school will be given support and guidance with their subject choices.
- SEND Students moving from Year 11 to other establishments and employment will have a planning meeting in order to establish appropriate pathways are discussed with their needs met to support the transition into adulthood and independent living. We also liaise with their next provider to ensure that they understand a student’s support needs by providing a transition plan created in conjunction with students, families and SEND caseworkers if necessary.
Compliments and Complaints
Compliments are always greatly received and can be passed on either directly to staff and the SENCO, or formally recorded via our regular questionnaires to parents or in the form of a letter to the Head Teacher.
We hope that complaints about our SEND provision will be rare, however, if there should be a concern the process outlined in the school Complaints Policy should be followed.
County Durham Special Educational Needs and Disability Information Advice and Support Service (SENDIASS) are also able to assist parents of children with special educational needs
If the concern is directly related to decisions around an EHC Assessment or EHCP this will be managed directly by the Durham Statutory Casework Team. Parents will be contacted directly by the team to receive information about the mediation services and other action parents may consider.
We are always seeking to improve on the quality of education we provide for children with SEND and are keen to hear from parents about their child’s experience. We would also like your views about the content of our SEND Information Report. If you would like to comment please email
Additional Help
Further information is available using the Durham local offer website where other relevant provision e.g. leisure activities, home to school transport, careers advice can be found.
This report will be reviewed, evaluated and ratified by the governing body annually.